Now you can learn how to make Anastacia's delicious sourdoughs and other baked goodies with our select workshops.
Schedule at a glance
All workshops: Minimum 3 people - Maximum 5 people
(workshop descriptions below)
Please call 719.568.4976 for registration
30 - 31 Sourdough Bread and Starters
Saturday - Sunday
10am - 5pm 9am - 1pm
17 Flakey Pie Dough and Fruit Empanadas
6:00pm - 9:00pm
20 Sourdough Bread and Starters
Saturday - Sunday
10am - 5pm 9am - 1pm
24 Chocolate on Chocolate Layer Cake
6:00pm - 9:00pm
27 Sourdough Bread and Starters
Saturday - Sunday
10am - 5pm 9am - 1pm
All workshops are conducted at Anastacia's commercial kitchen facility
1138 Nickerson Ave, Trinidad CO
Please call 719.568.4976 for registration
Workshops are taken at participant's own risk. Anastacia's House Bakery, Annette and Gordon Lucero,
and/or Michael Paradiso or his family are not responsible for accident or injury.
Sourdough Bread and Starters $100
Participants will learn our sourdough process including:
the care and feeding of sourdough starters
measurement and scaling techniques
dough theory: mixing and kneading gluten - what it is and how it behaves a discussion on types of flours and other ingredients
dough proofing, stretching, and folding
loaf forming and shaping
scoring your loaf
cast iron vs. loaf pan baking
cooling and slicing
Participants will take home:
2 sourdough loaves ( rustic boule and/or small sandwich loaves)
a jar of sourdough starter
information packet including instructions for both the care and feeding of the starter as well as instructions of the entire sourdough bread process
a fun day's experience in the bakery!
Participants are expected to:
restrain long hair AND bring a head covering (hat, cap, scarf, kerchief)
trim nails closely or, in the case of acrylic nails or manicure, be willing to wear protective gloves throughout the process
bring with them a notebook/pen or other notetaking device
bring a little something to share for Saturday lunch (we will have a pot of chicken soup on -- be certain to state any food sensitivities or allergies at the time of registration)
Please call 719.568.4976 for registration
Flakey Pie Crust and Fruit Empanadas $75
Participants will learn Anastacia's Bakery's pie crust and empanada making process including:
a discussion on ingredients including the importance of quality butter
measurement and scaling techniques
dough theory: combination of ingredients and how to maintain distinct layers for flakeiness gluten - what it is and how it behaves rolling and cutting a discussion on types
demonstration and discussion of filling creation
empanada creation and baking
demonstration of weaving a lattice crust for pie
Participants are expected to:
restrain long hair AND bring a head covering (hat, cap, scarf, kerchief)
trim nails closely or, in the case of acrylic nails or manicure, be willing to wear protective gloves throughout the process
bring with them a notebook/pen or other notetaking device
Participants will take home:
a half dozen empanadas
information packet including instructions for both filling and crust process
a fun evening's experience in the bakery!
Please call 719.568.4976 for registration
Workshops are taken at participant's own risk. Anastacia's House Bakery, Annette and Gordon Lucero,
and/or Michael Paradiso or his family are not responsible for accident or injury.